《Tech+ SME Sourcing Fair 2023》Technology Focus On Leading SMEs for Transformation, Upgrading and Sustainable Development with Government Funding Transform|Expand|Funding

《Tech+ SME Sourcing Fair 2023》Technology Focus On Leading SMEs for Transformation, Upgrading and Sustainable Development with Government Funding Transform|Expand|Funding

Updated at : 10/04/2024 03:17

Photo 1: The "Tech+ SME Sourcing Fair 2023", a collaborative venture between the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and the Trade and Industry Department, kicked off on 10 October, 2023.

【Hong Kong, 10 October 2023】 The "Tech+ SME Sourcing Fair 2023" (the Fair), co-organised by the Hong Kong Productivity Council (HKPC) and the Trade and Industry Department, kicked off on 10 October 2023. The Fair is aimed at the challenges and helplessness that small and medium enterprises (SMEs) face in finding and selecting technology solutions. It provides on-the-spot examples of practical digital solutions and encourages businesses to leverage Government subsidies to drive their transformation and open up new opportunities.

The two-day Fair (10 to 11 October), held at the HKPC Building, aims to forge a connection between innovative technology and SMEs. It brings together nearly 60 technology exhibitors showcasing practical solutions, spanning areas including artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, cyber security, business intelligence and analytics tools, cloud computing, and workflow management. In addition, the Fair offers seven thematic seminars and on-site consultations, empowering SMEs to grasp technology upgrade solutions, cross-border e-commerce opportunities, Government funding, as well as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) trends, all in one place. Furthermore, the Fair hosts procurement representatives from multiple local research institutions. These representatives are there to introduce their institutions' procurement items and technical needs to startups and various technical service providers, thereby fostering more cooperation opportunities.

In fact, SME ReachOut (the team) has been steadily supporting SMEs over the past three years, which have assisted enterprises in applying for Government funding through services like "Get Fund with Ease" and "Fund Form" review, the team assists businesses in securing Government funding, earning them a well-deserved reputation for their commendable achievements. It was announced that the team will redouble its efforts, bolstering its support to help SMEs fortify their capabilities for sustainable growth.

Photo 2: A number of distinguished officials and industry figures graced the "Tech+ SME Sourcing Fair 2023" with their presence, including Mr Algernon YAU, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the HKSAR Government (second from right), Ms Maggie WONG, Director-General of Trade and Industry (first from right), Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC (second from left), and Mr Mohamed BUTT, Executive Director of HKPC (first from left).
Photo 3:This exhibition is also fully supported by representatives from various chambers of commerce: (from left to right): Mr Andrew Kwok, President of Hong Kong Small and Medium Enterprises Association, Ms Jackie NG, Deputy Chairman of Federation of Hong Kong Industries, Mr Emil YU, Deputy Chairman of HKPC, Mr Mohamed BUTT, Executive Director of HKPC, Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC, Mr Algernon YAU, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the HKSAR Government, Ms Maggie WONG, Director-General of Trade and Industry, Mr Marvin HSU, Committee Member of the Chinese Manufacturers' Association of Hong Kong, Mr Paul YEUNG, Chairman of Hong Kong Commerce and Industry Associations, and Mr Michael LAI, President of The Hong Kong General Chamber of Small and Medium Business.
Photo 4:Mr Algernon YAU, Secretary for Commerce and Economic Development of the HKSAR Government, underscored the robust endorsement for SMEs.
Photo 5: Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC, highlighted in his speech, emphasising digital transformation has become a significant trend in the creation of innovative business models in today's fast-paced world of technology.

Hon Sunny TAN, Chairman of HKPC, pointed out in his speech that digital transformation has become a significant trend in the creation of innovative business models in today's fast-paced world of technology. He shared, "SME ReachOut has entered its fourth year and HKPC is poised to set new milestones. Our focus is on expanding and intensifying our services, particularly in the area of Government funding consultation. We've also planned an array of activities for SMEs, including outreach consultation at industrial districts, hands-on workshops, and study tours, to foster success in fund-seeking, achieve digital transformation, and equip SMEs across Hong Kong with practical strategies for accelerating their transformation and promoting sustainable development."

He also emphasised HKPC’s commitment to environmental sustainability. In support of the HKSAR Government's goals to halve carbon emissions by 2035 and achieve carbon neutrality by 2050, HKPC has specifically launched the "Online ESG Assessment Platform". This platform aims to encourage and assist SMEs in achieving their ESG goals across various domains, foster SMEs’ growth with green technology, and contribute to the building of an ESG corporate ecosystem.

Photo 6: Ms Marilyn LEE, Creative Director of CV Group Ltd successfully applied for the "BUD Fund" twice through the "SME ReachOut".

The all-round services provided by the SME ReachOut team play an important role in assisting SMEs to accelerate the pace of transformation and upgrading. Ms Marilyn LEE, Creative Director of CV Group Ltd, who successfully applied for the “BUD Fund” twice through SME ReachOut, stated that SME ReachOut deeply understands the pain points of SMEs. The platform provides valuable advice during the communication process, allowing SMEs to apply for funds in stages according to their own development goals and priorities. The SME ReachOut team professionally and patiently explained the application tips. "Fund Form" review services greatly help SMEs, speeding up the application process and saving time.

Photo 7,8: Nearly 60 exhibitors showcased the latest technology solutions, while also setting up booths for Government funding and support.

Nearly 60 tech exhibitors (including startups) have been recommended by HKPC, Hong Kong Science Park, and Cyberport, showcasing various technological solutions, including AI, robotics technology, cyber security, business intelligence and analytics tools, cloud computing, and workflow management. Additionally, several Government funding and support booths have been set up to directly interact with SMEs.

Photo 9: The seminar covered seven main themes, providing practical information for SMEs.

Also, seven major thematic seminars have been set up to enable SMEs to grasp practical technological business solutions, cross-border e-commerce opportunities, Government funding and support, and ESG trends all at once.

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